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2024 Oktoberfest Vendor Market Rules & Regulations

Oktoberfest is hosted & operated by the Cape Vincent Chamber of Commerce.

General Operations:
Location: Village Green, 357 Broadway Street, Cape Vincent
Date: Saturday, September 28th, 2024
Hours: 12:00PM – 5:00PM (Vendors can arrive as early as 10AM and stay as late as 6PM) After unloading and setting up, vendor vehicles must be moved and parked either on Gouvello Street or at Municipal Parking (behind the Chamber office), no exceptions. Vendors can ONLY leave early if rains last more than 30 minutes, thunderstorms roll in, winds reach 40mph, there is a medical emergency, or they have less than 1/8th of their product left. Vendors must notify the Chamber of Commerce if they will not be attending at least 24 hours before the day of market (315.654.2481 or text 315.783.5591). Early sales are permitted, but only between 11AM – 12PM.

Who may sell at the market:

Products must be hand-crafted, hand-made, homemade, or homegrown: baked/bakery items; original artwork (e.g. paintings or photographs); authored; or produce/farmed items such as meat, poultry, wool, and the such. Products not specifically listed here must be pre-approved by the Chamber of Commerce. The Market is family-friendly and inclusive; overly aggressive political or prejudiced products are not permitted. All applicable food safety regulations, both state and local, must be adhered to at all times. Farmers/Produce Vendors are allowed if the producer can prove 50% of the product is grown/produced in New York state. Meat vendors must keep their products properly refrigerated at 38 degrees or less. Bakery/Baked Good Vendors are allowed with appropriate permits. All baked goods, jams, jellies, candies, etc. must be homemade and prepackaged and produced in an inspected kitchen facility. Ingredients must be listed on the package. Prepared Foods Vendors are allowed with appropriate permits. A vendor selling live nursery products must hold a current license to sell the product from the Department of Agriculture & Markets and a copy of the license must accompany the application. All alcoholic beverages, including wine, beer and distilled products, must have an approved NYS Farm Winery/Brewery license from the NYS Liquor Authority. All applicable licenses and permits for products sold must be obtained and kept current. Copies of applicable permits and licenses will be kept on file with the Chamber of Commerce (e.g., DBA & sales tax certificate). If selling taxable items, vendors must have a current NY state certificate.

Guidelines for Selling:
Market stalls should appear neat and tidy throughout the day. Vendors are required to keep their market space clear of obstacles, litter and debris. Farm/Produce Vendors are required to have signage showing their farm information. Each vendor will be responsible for all equipment and supplies for the setup of a booth. Displays should be constructed in such a way that they do not block customer walkways nor pose any other hazard to customers. All sample containers should be disposed of properly in trash at either end of the Village Green. Vendors supplying the samples are responsible for ensuring they are not left on the grounds. Produce is required to be off the ground if it is to be sold, with the exception for heavy items, such as squashes and pumpkins. Vendors must post prices. While it is expected that prices will be fair to consumers, the seller and fellow sellers, collusion among sellers to attempt to influence prices is strictly prohibited. No smoking, alcoholic beverages or firearms are permitted at the market; with the exception is approved wine and beer tasting. No hawking, proselytizing, or amplified music is permitted at the market. All products offered for sale must be of good quality and condition. The Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to direct any inferior goods be removed from display. Failure to remove products deemed inferior will be reported to the Chamber’s governing body and may result in loss of market assignment. Vendors are responsible for the actions of their representatives, employees, or agents.

Stall fees and assignment:
Vendors will be assigned a spot a couple days in advance of the event. Vendor subletting is not allowed.

Late Vendors:
Be considerate of other vendors, if you are unable to be fully set-up by 12:00PM, you have the potential of losing your assigned spot for the day.

Complaints should be brought directly to the Chamber of Commerce. If a violation pertains to health or safety, it will be addressed by the Chamber of Commerce Board. Violators may be barred from the market and no refund of fees will be made. If you wish to appeal or have a grievance, you can address the Chamber of Commerce Board directly at


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